Addiction therapy (Alcohol, Prescription and Street drugs)

We can help in an outpatient setting to detoxify and balance your biochemistry, which is the first step to recovery. Most of the time we accomplish this with nutritional IVs and supplements that help support your neurotransmitters, adrenal glands, and every other cell in your body.Occasionally we need to provide prescription drugs to assist the process.

We also provide supportive treatment with acupuncture, psychomotor testing and release, and other relevant therapies. We encourage you to immerse yourself in a support group or some other form of counselling. We find that after the first week or two of our therapies, patients respond better to cognitive therapies.

Gambling and Internet Gaming Addictions

Then Gambling and gaming problems can start at any point in a person’s life. There are three problem gambler types. Those who are behaviorally conditioned, where a recreation turned into a problem. Those who are emotionally vulnerable due to an adverse childhood or other experience, thereby using gambling to stop an emotional pain. Third, those who are antisocial, ADHD, or impulsive.

Gambling has been shown to change dopamine levels. Dopamine is the reward neurotransmitter that is elevated while playing. Once dopamine goes up, then it gets replenished and needs more stimulation to get return the reward. Other pathways can also be affected, such as serotonin levels that effect mood and sleep.

Gluco-cortisol levels are also increased, thereby increase heart rate and stressing your adrenal glands. The frontal lobe of the brain can also be affected, leading to response inhibition, cognitive and verbal issues, and even planning and decision issues.

Anxiety and depression

We have a variety of options to identify the type and source of your anxiety or depression and can support you through the process of healing.This includes uncovering hidden emotional and mental blockages so that we can release them. Occasionally we refer to cognitive therapies to complement our nutritional, mind-body, and natural medicinal therapies.

Chronic fatigue

There are many reasons for fatigue, or loss of energy. We follow naturopathic principles to discover the root cause and support the body’ energy production of ATP.


We can assist you in balancing your blood sugar and reduce your values. While managing blood sugar is important, we look at your sugar and protein intake, lifestyle, and other issues that may contributing to your condition or impacting your health form the side effects of diabetes. Diabetes is a serious health issue should not be taken lightly.

Endocrine disorders, including adrenal fatigue, thyroid, Diabetes, and other endocrine imbalances.


We look at the root cause and focus on reversing the factors contributing to your pain.

Holistic therapies address inflammation and autoimmune contributing factors.

Gastrointestinal disorders

We treat issues like IBS, Crohns, Dysbiosis, Diarrhea and Constipation.

Hormonal issues

Hormones circulate through the body, sending signals that help regulate physiology. Often, an imbalance in hormones are caused by a disruption in the body. They may be toxins, either physical, mental, or emotional, and we address balancing your hormones by balancing your internal environment.Occasionally, bioidentical hormones are needed. Resolving disruptions to the processes may involve medications, supportive, nutrients, detoxification of toxins.

Hypertension and Cardiac issues

First, we identify the source of your hypertension, whether it me anxiety, kidney issues, or cardiac. We help you lower blood pressure and improve circulation with natural, pharmaceutical remedies and treatments, plus diet and lifestyle counselling to help long term solutions.

Hypertension is a symptom of a dis-ease and dysregulation processes in the body. Getting to the root of the issue is key for getting you or reducing your pharmaceutical drugs. There are many possible reasons for hypertension, including anxiety and stress, cardiac and circulation issues, kidney problems, the use of certain medications, diabetes, violating laws of nature, such as lack of sleep, exercise, and proper diet and nutrients. It takes more than a 15 minutes doctor’s appointment to get at the root cause. And often, pharmaceuticals mask the issue.

Immune support

Whether you are fighting infection or need general immune support, we have various tools ranging from nutrition, herbs, homeopathy, mind-body medicine, physical manipulation and other techniques to support your immune system.

We have remedies for dealing with symptoms from specific viruses and other pathogens.

Male health issues

Dr. Kaplan works with prostate issues, like BPH, prostatitis, and patients with prostate cancer. We have multiple solutions for erectile dysfunction, depending on the reason, including shockwave therapy.

GAINSWave® is the premium brand of shockwave therapy used to treat erectile dysfunction, Peyronie’s disease and optimize sexual performance. Take a look at GainsWave

Musculoskeletal and other pain management

Dr. Kaplan is trained in applied kinesiology and physical manipulation. He can help realign your structure and find potential sources of chronic pains. We have many tools to help relieve pain such as Trigger point and neural injections, EPAT therapy, therapeutic ultrasound.

Neural Therapy

Developed in Germany, Neural therapies consist of injections to stimulate healing in the energy points of the body including ligaments, tendons and joints. Neural therapy can also support organ systems in the body.

Neural therapy is based on the theory that any trauma, infection, or surgery can damage the autonomic nervous system and produce long-standing disturbances in the electrochemical or electromagnetic functions of tissues. Typical issues treated include: acute and chronic pain, inflammatory responses, poor circulation, multiple chronic conditions, caused by interrupted interference fields (such as rheumatism), diseases of the motor system (sciatica, arthritic joint conditions, shoulder or arm syndrome), internal diseases such as prostate, female, allergies, kidney; and sports injuries.

We look at the toxic burden and original source to provide a biological medicine approach to your neurology.


We can help with bronchitis, asthma, acute and chronic infections including Coccidioidomycosis. We can support early stage pulmonary fibrosis.

Skin and anti aging

Dermatology is important since we live in land of the sun. Skin issues could either be topical in nature, or atopical, caused by an internal source. We can also help reduce wrinkles and improving your skin with lasers and other aesthetics procedures.

We can also diminish cellulite with shockwave therapy

Stress and mental health

There is hope for stress release, insomnia, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and ADD/ADHD. We can help identify the type of anxiety a person experiences and find hidden mental and emotional blockages then neutralize them with a combination of therapies including biochemistry, brain wave support, herbal, energetic, and nutritional support. Many of our therapies are designed to work with cognitive behavioral support.


Dr. Kaplan is trained in applied kinesiology and physical manipulations. He can help realign your structure and find potential source or your pain or misalignment.

Supportive therapies for cancer

We provide supportive therapies for cancer, though we do not treat cancer.

Toxic burdens

One of the key aspects of health is removing the toxic burden that all humans have been subjective to at some point in our lives. These may be heavy metals, food allergies, xenobiotics, emotional toxins, or other substances polluting our internal environment.

We help to restore your health by rebalancing the body. We help relieve the body of environmental and other toxic burdens, including removing cognitive and emotional barriers to health. With your input, we help identify healthy choices and solutions that are right for you.

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